01425 621 100 | 01425 621 032 enq@davidshores.co.uk

Self-Employed/Partnership Accounts and Business Accounts Services

At David Shores & Co, we provide a range of accounting services for the self-employed, partnerships and companies. Based in New Milton, we work with clients across the New Forest, Southampton, Dorset, Hampshire and throughout the UK.

Business accounts New Forest

Our Services

  • Professional chartered accountants
  • Personal Self-Assessment Tax compliance (including returns)
  • Tax planning
  • Bookkeeping and VAT compliance
  • Payroll
  • Management accounting
  • Annual Financial statements/accounts
  • Business reports, including budgets and cashflows
  • Company Formations
  • Company secretarial compliance
  • Corporate Tax compliance

Reports and Statements

David Shores & Co can help you to keep record of the activities of your business by drawing up regular management accounts, annual financial statements and other business financial reports. We know that the end of the financial year is a busy time for many businesses and those who are self-employed, and many do not have the time to dedicate to putting together annual reports. By using a professional accountancy company such as ours, we can save you time and allow you to focus on the parts of your business that you’re best at. We can take care of your annual financial statements and can also provide tax planning, tax compliance services, VAT compliance, payroll and company secretarial services. Whatever you require, we’re here to help.

Cash Management and Tax Planning

Finance management is one of the critical aspects of running any business and most businesses use a professional accountant at the end of the financial year to ensure everything is done correctly but, for better and smarter cash management, you also need to plan your finances for the coming year and our team can help you with that. We can also assist with corporate tax planning to ensure you are aware in advance of payments due and at the same time looking at ways to minimise any liabilities. Our team of experienced accountants will conduct a review of your finances and identify potential tax saving opportunities.

Accountants in the New Forest

"Outstanding, reliable service from a friendly, knowledgeable team."


If you require a chartered accountant or business advisor in the New Forest, or anywhere else within the UK, look no further than David Shores & Co. We've been working with a variety of individuals and businesses since 1980 and tailor our services to suit each individual case. If you'd like to learn more, email us now at enq@davidshores.co.uk or call 01425 621 100.